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Awaken Your Resilient Goddess

Retreat in Japan








​リトリート in 奈良 



Awaken Your Resilient Goddess Retreat in Japan

Open the door to your resilient beauty



In the West, retreats have become mainstream as a form of well-being for women. They emphasize that true happiness extends beyond momentary joy, encompassing fulfillment in the realms of the mind, body, spirit, and social connections. Recognizing that sustained well-being is essential, there's a shift in societal values towards viewing this holistic state as the true standard of beauty, abundance, and health.






In the chaotic and stressful era of modern times,

It prompts us to reconsider:

"What does it take for us to live fulfilled and happy lives?"

"What are the things we need to notice or reclaim for that purpose?"

Delving deeper into this, it becomes apparent that we need to consciously address aspects of our mind, body, and spirit.


For this retreat being held in Nara, we have created an entirely new concept aimed at opening up to the inherent values of our humanity, guiding us towards the future.



It's called "Resilience Beauty." This program is designed to focus on resilience beauty, directing our awareness inward to cultivate strength and beauty that emanates not only from our outward appearance but also from within. It's structured to facilitate transformation, guiding us towards a life where resilience beauty becomes the compass for our future.


In the ancient capital of Japan, Nara, participants will take a step back from their daily lives to reflect on themselves. Amid a safe community formed under the guidance of retreat leaders from overseas, they will embark on a journey of revitalization for the mind (consciousness), body, and environment, accompanied by vegan cuisine.


What is resilience?



Resilience refers to the ability to recover or bounce back, as well as flexibility or adaptability. Living in an unpredictable era marked by technology and environmental issues, true strength lies not in rigidity but in flexibility, suppleness, and softness. While rigid structures can easily break, a resilient strength characterized by flexibility can take on any form and adapt to any situation.


Despite Japanese women receiving high praise from overseas, it seems that there are still very few who recognize their own abilities when they are in Japan. This retreat aims to expose participating women to concepts from abroad, empowering them to navigate their future lives with strength, flexibility, and resilience.In today's era, it's a daunting task for women to maintain their health, live authentically, and navigate life with relaxation.


イギリスからはドクターであり、アーユルヴェーダそしてヨガの指導者 Dr. Nitashaドクター ニターシャ

ラスベガスからは会社経営者であり、原理哲学士、エナジーレメディスト KAE・香絵

日本からは、Soulブレッシングメイク創始者であり、スピリチャルカウンセラー KIKI・奥野聖子



This retreat will feature Dr. Nitasha from the UK, who is a doctor, Ayurveda practitioner, and yoga instructor.

From Las Vegas, we have KAE, a company executive, philosopher, and energy therapist.

Representing Japan, we have Seiko Okuno, the founder of Soul Blessing Makeup and a spiritual counselor.




  • ドクターニターシャの元での安全な転地療養ができる

  • 自分の本質と向き合う時間を持てる

  • 自分のこれからの人生のビジョンが持てる

  • ヨガやピラティスを通して心(意識)と身体を繋ぐ事が出来る様になる

  • ビーガンお料理を通して身体の内側から綺麗になる

  • セルフケアとセルフラブで自身を満たす事が出来る

  • 女性性のワークで、感性、感じることを取り戻す

  • ​親密に他者と繋がることの体験、女性としての価値、自信を取り戻す

At this retreat, participants can expect to gain the following through various workshops:

  • Safe convalescence under the guidance of Dr. Natasha.

  • Dedicated time to confront one's essence.

  • The ability to formulate a vision for one's future.

  • Enhanced connection between mind (consciousness) and body through yoga and Pilates.

  • Internal cleansing and beautification through vegan cuisine.

  • Fulfillment through self-care and self-love practices.

  • Reclaiming sensitivity and the ability to feel through feminine work.

  • Experiencing intimate connections with others and regaining confidence in one's worth as a woman.



DAY1 1日目のテーマ:「レジリエンスビューティへの扉を開こう」Open the door to your resilient beauty.

DAY2 2日目のテーマ:「マインドボディコネクションを通して女神の輝きを磨こう」Mind and Body Connection for goddess beauty.

DAY3 3日目のテーマ:「内なる女神パワーを解き放そう」Unleash the goddess power within you.

DAY4 4日目のテーマ:「新しい人生の旅の始まりを予祝しよう」Celebration of your new journey.



Each day will feature activities prepared by the retreat leaders in line with the respective theme.​

This retreat will be conducted in both Japanese and English. (with interpretation)


Awaken Your Resilient Goddess beauty


1日目 DAY1

Open the door to your resilient beauty.



  • 集合/イントロダクションワーク:3:30pm

  • リトリートリーダーの自己紹介

  • レジリアンスビューティの意味の説明

  • 受け身ではなく主体的に自分自身がどの様に取り組むか ⇒ インテンション

  • ノートワーク(Kae)マニフェステーション

  • 意図のワークの後に繋がりのワーク(Kiki)




  • 瞑想ヨガワーク(Nitasha)

  • 夜のワーク⇒マスクはがし(Kiki)

  • サウンドバス瞑想(Kae, Nitasha)


  • 3:00 PM Assembly: Introduction work

  • Retreat leader's self-introduction

  • Explanation of the meaning of Resilient Beauty

  • Being proactive in approaching oneself ⇒ Intention

  • Note work (Kae) Manifestation

  • Connection work after intention work (KiKI) (Soul Blessing Time)

After dinner:

  • Meditation yoga work (Nitasha)

  • Evening work: Mask removal (Kiki) Sound bath meditation (Kae, Nitasha)

Theme: Setting intentions for the retreat, preparing to go inward

2日目 DAY2

外と内側の繋がり- マインドボディコネクションを通して磨くゴッデスビューティ

Mind and Body Connection for goddess beauty


  • 朝のワーク(ブレスワーク、ピラティス)30分(KAE)

  • 朝食

  • ソウルブレッシングメイク(2時間)10時〜12時 (KIKI)

  • 本当の美しさを体感する

  • 昼食

  • メディテーションハイク 

  • 夕食

  • 夜のワーク ヨガニドラ (ニターシャ)


  • Morning work (Breathwork, Pilates) 30 minutes (KAE)

  • Breakfast

  • Soul Blessing Makeup (2 hours) 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (KIKI)

  • Experience true beauty

  • Lunch:

  • Meditation Hike

  • Dinner:

  • Evening work: Yoga Nidra (Nitasha) Theme: Connecting with Your Inner Self Through the Body

3日目 DAY3


Unleash the goddess power within you


  • 朝のワーク(骨盤底筋群、骨盤を緩める) ピラティス (KAE)

  • 朝食

  • 女性性の開放と目覚めリチュアル 

  • 昼食

  • レジリエンスビューティワーク 

  • 夕食

  • 女性性の繋がりワーク

  • Theme: Consciousness work (Entering your inner self)

  • Morning work (Pelvic floor muscles, loosening the pelvis) Pilates (KAE)

  • Breakfast:

  • Opening of feminine energy and awakening ritual

  • Lunch:

  • Resilient Beauty Work

  • Dinner:

  • Connection work of feminine energy

4日目 DAY4


Celebration of your new journey

  • 朝のワーク:感謝ワーク

  • アファメーションタイム

  • クロージングセレモニー

  • 解散

  • Morning work: Gratitude work

  • Affirmation time

  • Closing ceremony

  • Disbandment

Retreat Leaders


奥野聖子 Kiki

一般社団法人ブレッシングメイク協会 Soulブレッシングメイクヒーリング・スピリチュアルメイクヒーリング創始者







大阪府出身  神奈川鎌倉市在住

Her heart trembles, tears flow, in an industry-first, unique makeup work that encompasses emotional release.

As the founder and representative of "Spiritual Makeup®️" and "Soul Blessing Makeup®️", she dramatically transforms the lives of many women through the frequencies of truth and love.

The journey of deep self-healing began with the divorce in 2009, accompanied by her three sons.

Now, as a spiritual counselor, she accesses the root causes of shamanic issues spanning multiple dimensions, including present life, past lives, pre-language acquisition periods, guiding towards the repair, liberation, and compassion of soul wounds.

Her clairvoyant readings are renowned for instant transformation of reality. As a professional in opening hearts and an expert in love, she conducts numerous retreats worldwide (including Italy, Prague, Hawaii, Byron Bay, Malta), alongside Tantra training in Italy and lectures in Prague, supporting over 13,000 women in awakening their femininity and soul.

Originally from Osaka Prefecture, she resides in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture.


エチゴイン香絵 Kae

DK Body International Inc代表


原理哲学士 エナジーレメディスト

アメリカラスベガスにあるDK Body International IncのCEOとして、日本からの研修/視察/プロジェクトなどをそれぞれのケースに合わせて独自のリソースでコーディネートする。​

ネバダ州立大学公認ピラティスの全米・世界における指導者を育てる本部アカデミー・提携スタジオを運営。また一流ホテルのスパの、マネジメントやセラピスト経験を含め、20年以上のウェルネス事業経験を活かし、2021年にはAINALANI WELLBEING(アイナラニウェルビーイング)を立ち上げ身体だけではなくマインドウェルネスのプログラムにも着手する。

2021年にはAINALANI WELLBEING(アイナラニウェルビーイング)を立ち上げ身体だけではなくマインドウェルネスのプログラムにも着手する。


Wellness For Life「人々の心身の健康に貢献する」が信念。

​東京都出身 アメリカネバダ州ラスベガス在住

As the CEO of DK Body International Inc in Las Vegas, USA, she coordinates training, study tours, and projects from Japan, tailoring resources to each case.

She operates the headquarters academy and affiliated studios of Nevada State University's nationally and globally accredited Pilates program. Drawing upon over 20 years of experience in wellness business, including management and therapist roles in top-tier hotel spas, she launched AINALANI WELLBEING in 2021, delving into not only physical but also mindfulness programs.

Currently, she is involved in the management of a large salon in Las Vegas, contributing to its rise as the number one salon in the city.

While immersed in the wellness industry day by day, I continue to explore what it means to be human and what life is truly about. Through this journey, I encountered principles of philosophy and now support people's health, growth, and evolution as an Energy Remedist.

Her belief is "Wellness For Life", dedicated to contributing to the mental and physical health of people.

Originally from Tokyo, she resides in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.


ドクター ​ニターシャ 
Dr. Nitasha 

医師であり、ヨガマスターであり、南インド出身のスピリチュアルマスターを祖母に持ち、500年続く祖母のアーユルヴェーダのレシピを基本に、オーガニック化粧品を開発し、主にヨーロッパ、ラテンアメリカでシェア。 インド、ペルー、ヨーロッパなど世界中で様々なリトリートを開催。長年の自己探究から、女性の真の自立、内外の本質的な美を取り戻す為の叡智を届ける。


Nitasha is a physician, yoga master, and inherits a spiritual lineage from her grandmother who hails from South India. Inspired by her grandmother's 500-year-old Ayurvedic recipes, Nitasha has developed organic cosmetics, primarily shared in Europe and Latin America.

She organizes various retreats worldwide, including in India, Peru, and Europe. With insights gained from years of self-exploration, Nitasha's mission is to share wisdom for women's true empowerment and the rediscovery of essential beauty both inside and out.

Based in the UK.

⚫︎ 定員:10名


⚫︎ リトリートご参加費:    



※ 会場の住所や詳細は、お申し込み頂いた方へ個別にお知らせいたします。



Booking Form

 Booking  Form


Nara, Japan Retreat Booking Form


ご予約ありがとうございました。Thank you for your booking!

ご不明点やご質問はこちらまで For inquiries or questions?

Beauty Event ビューティイベント


Pre-Retreat Wellbeing Beauty Event

​テーマ:Resilience Beauty レジリエンスビューティ 

東京会場 Tokyo


4月3日 (水) 1pm - 4pm


​⚫︎ 定員15名


​⚫︎ 会場:​5 CROSSTIES COFFEE 渋谷スクランブルスクエア店

東京都渋谷区渋谷2-24-12 渋谷スクランブルスクエア 17F

大阪会場 Osaka


4月4日 (木) 1pm - 4pm


⚫︎ 定員15名


⚫︎ 会場:Pilates base irori.

大阪市西区靱本町2丁目1-14  ITC靱テニスセンターなにわ筋側 B1F

前半:パネルディスカッション First Half: Panel Discussion

世界各国におけるレジリエンスビューティーの取り組み(Doctor Nitasha,Kiki,Kae)

Discussion on Resilience Beauty initiatives worldwide (featuring Doctor Nitasha, Kiki, Kae)


後半:ビューティーワーク Second Half: Beauty Workshop

  • マインドボディコネクション by Kae
    Mind-Body Connection by Kae

  • ブレッシングメイク by KiKi
    Blessing Makeup by KiKi

  • ブレスワーク&アユーラベーダ的ライフスタイル by Doctor Nitasha
    Breathwork & Ayurvedic Lifestyle by Doctor Nitasha

*イベントのチェックイン時にDR Nitashaによる脈拍チェックのドーシャ診断があります。各自のドーシャに合わせたハーブティを御用意させて頂きます。
Upon event check-in, there will be a pulse check and Dosha diagnosis by Dr. Nitasha. Herbal tea tailored to each individual's Dosha will be provided accordingly.

⚫︎ イベントご参加費:​​

3/10まで 早割10,500円!

奈良リトリートにお申し込みの方は、更に -1,500円割引!



Booking Form

 Booking  Form


Tokyo&Osaka Event Booking Form


ご予約ありがとうございました。Thank you for your booking!

ご不明点やご質問はこちらまで For inquiries or questions?

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Awaken Your Resilient Goddess Retreat 

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